Took a breather in the midst of the chaos of Santa season to look at our numbers so far this holiday cycle, and they are looking really great!.
Our 2019 Santa revenue is sitting at $87,390 so far, and we have 17 more sessions to proof before we wrap things up for 2019.
My goal was to hit 6 figures with Santa for 2019 (we did just over $80k in our first year 2018) and I think we should hit that and surpass it a bit by the time the book is closed on this year.
My many thanks again to Larry for his educational insight into how to make Santa a winning formula for our studio. Its hard for me to imagine fine art Santa not being a huge part of our brand even though we have just been doing it a little over a year. It continues to be a real game changer for our studio. My thanks again!
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