Modern Photography can still be Nostalgic.

Apr 13, 2021

Nostalgia is part of Americana and the history of who we are and where we are going. We have embraced the sense of nostalgia in photographs, film and life itself. Sometimes without even knowing why. We simply know it makes us feel a warmth and seems to create a feeling of euphoria. This feeling of nostalgia is not exclusive to America, it is a global and cultural experience. It is visual and it is emotional. It may be referred to as vintage, old, or retro, however I think nostalgia is something different.

We have witnessed the changes and followed as photographic capture has changed from film photography to digital photos. The art of capturing a photo has changed, however that has only added to the need to capture and love nostalgia even more. And that is only in our lives. People and nostalgia are connected to world events and creation. There seems to be so much more to understand when it comes to how and why nostalgia even exists, let alone how it fits within modern photography.

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How to create Magical Santa Pictures

Apr 12, 2021

Have you ever wanted to capture the magic of children with Santa with your camera? Parents understand the value of showing the joy and imagination of kids in Christmas photos. Santa Claus is the perfect character of folklore to catch the wonder and innocence of precious little ones in a picture.


Santa's majestic, magical and giving appeal to kids is more than what they can feel from any digital app. Santa is part of folklore and each and every holiday season. Just like the Tooth Fairy, Ole Santa Nick has been part of every person's family childhood memories. Parents understand this connection to this jolly character of lore and the North Pole, for they felt this wonder themselves each December and throughout the year.

The story of Santa goes back hundreds of years as the character is directly connected to St. Nicholas who was an actual person who gave his riches away to others who were in need. Santa's legacy in reality is the legacy of...

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Apr 08, 2021

As a professional photographer, being a visual teller of stories, will not only get the attention of my community, it makes my photography stand out to all. Storytelling via photos congers images that connect with your followers.

If you are a photographer and intend on building an audience for your brand on social media, storytelling photographically will get people's attention. It is well documented that in today's market, a strong online presence is important for visual brands to succeed. Start telling stories with your camera and art and watch your business grow.


Stories are very important to me as an artist and photographer (these are one in the same to me). Writing or capturing stories are not just what I do behind the scenes. Storytelling is my living and my future. It is important and my personal human journey. To create a story via a photo, keyboard or with paint is a joy. For me it is about expression and sharing these ideas to the world. My success...

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Christmas in July! Get ready to make money this summer.

Apr 06, 2021

With the holiday season past and firmly in our rear view mirror, most people do not have Christmas on their minds. Everyone except photographers who are working hard and preparing for  Christmas in July. Creating breathtaking and nostalgic Christmas Fine Art that features Santa and Children, takes a great deal of step by step planning. 

Milk and cookies during Santa can be fun, but what if you want to make sincere fine art and family heirlooms? Creating such Christmas themed family fine art is another level of creation that requires deep knowledge and preparation. 

Providing art that produces sales of over $5,000 per session can change your summer cash flow, however it will not happen without proper preparation, creation and systems set up well in advance of Christmas in July.

These become systems that are now in place to produce Fine Art and significant revenue throughout the rest of the year.  


To start creating such a themed...

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Background for Santa Photography, Santa Photography, Importance of Quality.

Apr 03, 2021

Backgrounds for Santa photography are called Christmas backgrounds and do not receive proper attention from photographers. They are the Santa photography backgrounds that studios use to provide a “themed Christmas look” for Santa art.

The Santa photography backgrounds come in all shapes, styles and sizes. Many are cheap online brands or DIY Christmas backgrounds. Photographers overlook the importance of quality when deciding on Santa backgrounds. Most studios are only doing a weekend of "Santa Pics". 

Business minded studios provide their clients with Fine Art Santa Portrait Art. The background for Santa photography still does not get the professional scrutiny required for such fine art. This is a powerful statement with a great deal of truth. 

The background for Santa photography plays a huge and unquestionable role in majestic Santa art. Imagine being a great photographer who lights and poses a subject perfectly. I simply cannot imagine a photographer...

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Santa Folklore

Mar 29, 2021

There are few characters who are in the psyche of males and females of all ages more than Santas Clause. He is etched in our minds from childhood and not just from the marketing of retailers, but also in stories told and handed down within families. 

Santa goes back hundreds of years and is connected to real historical people. He is said to be the embodiment of Saint Nicholas, who was one of the most giving and kind people of all time. 

Born March 15, 270 AD, Saint Nicholas was the Christian bishop of Myra. Due to the many miracles left in his wake, he unknowingly was adorned with the name of wonderworker. 

Although Saint Nicholas was credited with many miracles, his deeds that have become part of legend stem from his kind heart, acts of kindness and giving. Nicholas was born into wealth, however over a prolonged period of time, he continued to give his wealth away to the poor. As with Santa Claus, Saint Nicholas always strove to keep secret his good...

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Christmas in July for Photographers

Mar 26, 2021

Why should Photographers hire a Santa and offer Christmas in July sessions this summer? It is perhaps one of the most powerful products a studio or independent photographer can offer.  

The retail world embraces Christmas in July like never before. There was a time, not so long ago, that Christmas in July was one day. It then stretched to a weekend, then a week and now it is a full month long for most retailers.

As a parent, I know how challenging it is during the Halloween, Thanksgiving and Christmas season. Stress levels can be high and there is just so much to do. Time is short and family is very important.

This is where Christmas in July for a studio can help many families. The style of Santa art that can be offered by a professional photography studio can be quite stunning, nostalgic, majestic and produce breathtaking family heirlooms when done correctly. 

Think of the advantages to parents, children and grandparents. 

  1. It helps them do their Christmas...
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Fine Art Magical Santa Photography on the Rise

Mar 16, 2021

Why do so many people around the world love to have their pictures taken with Santa Claus? There are numerous reasons, all of which every professional photographer should know and understand.


First of all, we live in a society where Christmas is, by far, the most important retail time of the year. Every business ramps up for Christmas and each year it starts earlier and earlier. Other than the obvious and very important religious connection of celebrating December 25 for the birth of Jesus Christ, the other reason is in short “retail sales”. 

This alone, should be plenty of reason for any photographers ears to perk up and pay attention. A leading statistics company, Statista, shows that the Christmas quarter of sales can be as high as 40% of a company's gross revenue. In some cases it is even more. 

Then there is Santa, who is a towering figure in folklore and legend. I will venture to say Santa Claus has no second when it comes to legendary characters....

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Christmas PJs

Oct 18, 2020
Clothing is important for every art piece. We usually supply all of the clothing for each session but this year will be different.
This Christmas season you will want your clients to purchase their own night gowns and PJ's prior to the photography session. Does that mean you lose control of the look of your art? NO, you are still the designer. As a matter of fact, you need to supply them links to where they can purchase the clothing. Be sure they are not coming with loud patterns and or clothing that does not fit. Tell them to order clothing that allow fingers and toes to show in the images.
Just be sure the message you images so they know you are the designer and still in charge of the clothing.

Our affiliate links below to help you find the right outfits. 

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The Great Prop Hunt for Santa's Magical Summit in LAS VEGAS

Jul 20, 2020

Tag along as Larry goes antiquing to find the perfect props to complete his set for the Santa's Magical Summit in Las Vegas.  Props add depth and dimension to your work and tell the story.  They give ways for your subjects to interact and create the experience for the children in your photographs.

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