Absolutely LOVE the Santaā€™s magical gift!

Jul 20, 2020

Not sure if the video will post. It’s a little long. But my daughter absolutely LOVED finding her clue this morning and it leading her to a very special gift that she asked Santa for Thank you Larry Hersberger for creating Santa’s magical gift! 

Shari L Brownlee
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What an incredibly gifted and generous human being.... 3 days of positive energy!

Jul 20, 2020

I woke up this morning overflowing with gratitude! I am one of the few photographers totally blessed to have attended "The Santa Summit" with Master Artist Larry Hersberger. What an incredibly gifted and generous human being.
What was intriguing to me was how he was able to direct my questions to bringing out my creativity. It was very clear to me when leaving his beautiful home studio yesterday, that this was an opportunity for my inner 5 year old to reappear after decades of being suppressed. How exciting to finally get his vision for all of us after 3 days of positive energy!
Thank you Larry Hersberger  for your generous, loving spirit! God bless you! Patti Reed

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I couldnā€™t have done it without learning from you Larry...

Jul 20, 2020

Honestly, I can’t believe I pulled off Santa Sessions this year with everything going on; moving my studio and throwing it together so quickly. I couldn’t have done it without learning from you Larry, thank you so much. I captured some truly magical images this year. Merry Christmas, everyone!  Brandy Caldwell

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Snowman sessions are attracting interest!

Jul 20, 2020

Our snowman sessions are attracting interest. Many said that they like a new and different Christmas holiday look. We set up a snowball fight in our studio with a couple of dozen styrofoam snowballs of different sizes. The family had a blast and it shows on their expression. John Antoniewicz is with Darlene Pino at Ant Hill



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We took everything you taught us and we had over 10k in sales for a few clients!

Jul 20, 2020

Larry Hersberger we started our Santa sessions this weekend. We took everything you taught us and we had over 10k in sales for a few clients. Thank you so much for teaching us this. Our families this weekend were amazed and loved every minute of it. I never ever thought I could do this with just a few clients. Kelsey Ryals

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Help me tremendously with the "painting".

Jul 20, 2020

Some of the techniques that I learned at the workshop did help me tremendously with the "painting".  Teresa Compton Arthur

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Santa's Magical Gift has truly been **MAGICAL**

Jul 20, 2020

Thank you Larry! Santa's Magical Gift has truly been **MAGICAL** for myself and many clients and will only be growing into a more substantial WHY and revenue stream for my studio in 2018. Sharing a love note

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6 figures sales with Santa for 2019

Jul 20, 2020

Took a breather in the midst of the chaos of Santa season to look at our numbers so far this holiday cycle, and they are looking really great!.

Our 2019 Santa revenue is sitting at $87,390 so far, and we have 17 more sessions to proof before we wrap things up for 2019.

My goal was to hit 6 figures with Santa for 2019 (we did just over $80k in our first year 2018) and I think we should hit that and surpass it a bit by the time the book is closed on this year.

My many thanks again to Larry for his educational insight into how to make Santa a winning formula for our studio. Its hard for me to imagine fine art Santa not being a huge part of our brand even though we have just been doing it a little over a year. It continues to be a real game changer for our studio. My thanks again!

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Magic box images

Jul 20, 2020

"About 85-90% of my wall portrait sales this year were of the magic box images. Parents always tend to gravitate towards this image, and the expressions are always amazing."Ted Linczak

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Santa's Magical Summit. Real World Photographer's Review

Jul 20, 2020

From Professional Photographer Ted Linczak.

I wanted to give a quick shout out to Larry!

My wife and I have run a full time wedding and portrait studio for 13 years now, and we are slowly making the move to more and more portrait work. I’m pretty selective about the educational workshops I invest in, but we knew we wanted to start offering a Santa Christmas portrait event, and who better than to learn the ins and outs of this system than from the CREATOR of the system!

We even built out a new studio on our property for the large purpose of hosting this kind of session. It was important for us to learn the profitable way of how to make this a benefit for our business, and that’s where Larry came in.

What I most appreciate about Larry’s approach is that much of his process relating to sales is not only applicable to the Santa angle, but to all kinds of portrait work. With so few people out there teaching photographers how to make an actual living selling art work...

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